So yea.....ive been waiting for like 2 weeks for my freakin' REFUND CHECK...I've been really patient,you know i've been hopping in my car everyday, making sure i hit up the post office box, crossing my fingers, and hoping it would be there among the piles of junk mail, and bills.... when you attend PCC, you dont get a nice little debit card with your money on it...Oh NO..! That would be too easy, and actually save money, and paper! Instead these dummies snail mail your check to your house, and of course you can't go by the office and pick it up.
So this morning, I got smart and called the office...for the second time...might i add. The first time some random chick said...umm yes, it should be dispersed sometime this week.....LIES...all LIES.....
So when i called this morning, this real official sounding lady says..." oh, no hun. there is a hold on your check, which is why you havent recieved it." Okay so now im like beyond pissed off...! So i ask her, umm why is there a hold on it, and she said..."It's because one of your instructors hasn't verified your attendancce in class".
TRUST ME! I've been in class...anytime you have to wake up at 5:45 in the morning, just to ensure that you make it to school for an 8:00'll probably remember i just kindly sent a nice-nasty email to my instructor to let her know that her slackassness is beyond comprehension, and its effecting my money!....thats just something you dont do!...
More later when im calm.... :)
From the top of my head to the tips of my fingers...yup thats how it just comes out.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dumb Dollar General Customers
This Blog is in response to the dumb ass, SHIT thats been happening to me at work lately...

This is my top 10 list of things that customers do that really irk me....."
First of all...Do i look like a cash register to you....I dont know how much that package of bologna you have in your hand the sign please...
Two...Please...Please Please! Have your money ready when you get to the Register....
thats pretty self explanatory...
Three....Im not Hey Miss...or Hey Girl...or Hey....Do you work here?...i am Lela...Queen of the Pygmy's...but you can call me Ms. Blount if your'e nasty.
Four...Do you really need a bag for your Clorox, Hawaiian Punch, or any other thing that already has a handle on it? I mean conserve trees, please?
Five...No you cannot have $ 2.00 worth of quarters so that you can do your laundry....sorry...we just don't. While im at it, We don't have stamps, cigarettes, western union, nor do we cash payroll checks.
Six....Please watch your kids while you're in the store...there is no reason why susie, or billie, or xavier should be in the office looking at me asking "what' yur name"?
Seven...If you know you only have three dollars, dont bring something up to the register, let me ring it up and then say o' I thought the sign said 2.50.
Eight...Keeping with that same spirit...if you know that you only have 3.00 on your debit card...well just read number 7.
Nine....Please get all of the things you need to get before you make your way to the register...there is some kind of magnetism associated with one customer coming up to the register because they all seem to pour in at the same time. So if you have to stop to run back and grab some cheez itz thats gonna hold up my line...

This is my top 10 list of things that customers do that really irk me....."
First of all...Do i look like a cash register to you....I dont know how much that package of bologna you have in your hand the sign please...
Two...Please...Please Please! Have your money ready when you get to the Register....
thats pretty self explanatory...
Three....Im not Hey Miss...or Hey Girl...or Hey....Do you work here?...i am Lela...Queen of the Pygmy's...but you can call me Ms. Blount if your'e nasty.
Four...Do you really need a bag for your Clorox, Hawaiian Punch, or any other thing that already has a handle on it? I mean conserve trees, please?
Five...No you cannot have $ 2.00 worth of quarters so that you can do your laundry....sorry...we just don't. While im at it, We don't have stamps, cigarettes, western union, nor do we cash payroll checks.
Six....Please watch your kids while you're in the store...there is no reason why susie, or billie, or xavier should be in the office looking at me asking "what' yur name"?
Seven...If you know you only have three dollars, dont bring something up to the register, let me ring it up and then say o' I thought the sign said 2.50.
Eight...Keeping with that same spirit...if you know that you only have 3.00 on your debit card...well just read number 7.
Nine....Please get all of the things you need to get before you make your way to the register...there is some kind of magnetism associated with one customer coming up to the register because they all seem to pour in at the same time. So if you have to stop to run back and grab some cheez itz thats gonna hold up my line...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Night Cap
So yea...I haven't written in a while...
Greg I will dedicate this one to you...
I actually made it through my first full week of classes...Im so relieved....
No classes on Friday...I must have died and gone to heaven right?
Why don't guys hold the door open for you...I don't mean hold the door open while you walk through it first...I mean grab door knob, twist, pull back and stand there and wait for me....ME a walk through...whats with that...I find myself holding the door open for alot of guys..and you know what im gonna start doing...slamming it in your faces....thats right..SLAM! in your face...
I had to give my number to some group members in my class last semester when we were working on a project....and there just happens to be some old guy in my yesterday im in the "caf'" at school and he comes up to me and starts making small long-story short....he ends up calling me last night...and goes on and on about how he never really had the courage to call me and know it would have really been a good idea if he had decided to call me last semester when my grade depended on him calling me...but I digress....He doesnt have any front teeth...but he's got a couple on the bottom...should I let that bother me????
You know what if I eat honey mustard on my subs...and I like them toasted...???
I just wanted to say that...
You know whats really good...the crispy parts off the bacon after you cook it..... :)
You know what else is even better....when you cut across three lanes of traffic to make it to Krispy Kreme because the hot light is on... :)
Im sleepy....Ciao
Greg I will dedicate this one to you...
I actually made it through my first full week of classes...Im so relieved....
No classes on Friday...I must have died and gone to heaven right?
Why don't guys hold the door open for you...I don't mean hold the door open while you walk through it first...I mean grab door knob, twist, pull back and stand there and wait for me....ME a walk through...whats with that...I find myself holding the door open for alot of guys..and you know what im gonna start doing...slamming it in your faces....thats right..SLAM! in your face...
I had to give my number to some group members in my class last semester when we were working on a project....and there just happens to be some old guy in my yesterday im in the "caf'" at school and he comes up to me and starts making small long-story short....he ends up calling me last night...and goes on and on about how he never really had the courage to call me and know it would have really been a good idea if he had decided to call me last semester when my grade depended on him calling me...but I digress....He doesnt have any front teeth...but he's got a couple on the bottom...should I let that bother me????
You know what if I eat honey mustard on my subs...and I like them toasted...???
I just wanted to say that...
You know whats really good...the crispy parts off the bacon after you cook it..... :)
You know what else is even better....when you cut across three lanes of traffic to make it to Krispy Kreme because the hot light is on... :)
Im sleepy....Ciao
Monday, January 5, 2009
just some toughts.....::::: was a good day... serious...i didnt do anything major....No work, no nothing....just Nothing...
thats a good feeling, to know that you dont have to plan your day around work.
Although i did go on a quest for a knit beenie so into these things.
They are a great way to put your hair up on bad hair days. I was thinking of knitting one myself...
truly that thought only lasted a second, and once i saw purl here, knit there i was like FOCK IT!!!!!...yes...FOCK IT.
So yea...its back to school in a few ready for it though...only because im ready to get to spring, then summer break :)
I dont have much else to say...i just needed to say something so that i could keep the habit going, hopefully this blogging thing will be something i can keep up.
I hope that my **ahem, "special someone" reads this...
because, im really, seriously falling for you, and i hope that you open up and allow me to show you that im not those girls from your past....
jusqu'à ce que nous nous rencontrerons à nouveau serious...i didnt do anything major....No work, no nothing....just Nothing...
thats a good feeling, to know that you dont have to plan your day around work.
Although i did go on a quest for a knit beenie so into these things.
They are a great way to put your hair up on bad hair days. I was thinking of knitting one myself...
truly that thought only lasted a second, and once i saw purl here, knit there i was like FOCK IT!!!!!...yes...FOCK IT.
So yea...its back to school in a few ready for it though...only because im ready to get to spring, then summer break :)
I dont have much else to say...i just needed to say something so that i could keep the habit going, hopefully this blogging thing will be something i can keep up.
I hope that my **ahem, "special someone" reads this...
because, im really, seriously falling for you, and i hope that you open up and allow me to show you that im not those girls from your past....
jusqu'à ce que nous nous rencontrerons à nouveau
Friday, January 2, 2009
So, yeah...
This would be my first time...blogging...
It all just seemed like a place where lonely bored people came to spill their guts to other bored, lonely, nosy people...
But I think that I have reached a point where all of that doesn't really matter to me anymore....
I really need to regroup and put a whole lot of things down that I've been carrying for a while.
Its kind of like how you go into the grocery store and you say..."O' Im only going to grab a couple things.." and you're like two feet away from the register when your package of toilet paper, box of hot pockets, gum, bottles of water etc. go tumbling to the floor.... That only happens to me??? Well at THAT point in my life...and i need to just go ahead and grab a cart and just organize these things.....
I just recently broke it off with "him" and it felt like crap....I know this is beginning to sound like one of those stories...but I really needed to free myself from that situation....I really don't want to go into all of the miscellaneous details because that's an entire book in itself, but either way....I pushed him away because im trying to be a big girl now, and i want to do some grown-up things that he would never have approved of before.....
With that said, I've got something...well someone new in my life already and im soooo afraid that i will fall in love with him. I keep letting..."him" yea the other "him" from before get into my head. But why...? My new totally different ball game....and i know people would really pay to go see this game...In the back of my mind i constantly think that god has a man for me.. but can i use mapquest...? can i have a map? Can i use a lifeline....???I really want to just end all these mixed feelings im having.
Everyone has an idea for me....and can tell me who i need to be with and why...but why cant i just know..KNOW what it is that I want. I don't feel like I've made a lot of decisions on my own lately. I'm always feeling like i need advice from others...if i need anything in my life right's Wisdom...i'll admit that flat out..just a little wisdom, and also a pinch of self-confidence about these decisions im making.
I need to just weigh all this out....I have two "him's " hanging in the balance....and I can't have both...I never thought i'd be in such a situation...God it hurts...
perhaps the next time i write i will have come up with something worthy of a Reset...or Restart title.
--jusqu'à ce que nous nous rencontrerons à nouveau
This would be my first time...blogging...
It all just seemed like a place where lonely bored people came to spill their guts to other bored, lonely, nosy people...
But I think that I have reached a point where all of that doesn't really matter to me anymore....
I really need to regroup and put a whole lot of things down that I've been carrying for a while.
Its kind of like how you go into the grocery store and you say..."O' Im only going to grab a couple things.." and you're like two feet away from the register when your package of toilet paper, box of hot pockets, gum, bottles of water etc. go tumbling to the floor.... That only happens to me??? Well at THAT point in my life...and i need to just go ahead and grab a cart and just organize these things.....
I just recently broke it off with "him" and it felt like crap....I know this is beginning to sound like one of those stories...but I really needed to free myself from that situation....I really don't want to go into all of the miscellaneous details because that's an entire book in itself, but either way....I pushed him away because im trying to be a big girl now, and i want to do some grown-up things that he would never have approved of before.....
With that said, I've got something...well someone new in my life already and im soooo afraid that i will fall in love with him. I keep letting..."him" yea the other "him" from before get into my head. But why...? My new totally different ball game....and i know people would really pay to go see this game...In the back of my mind i constantly think that god has a man for me.. but can i use mapquest...? can i have a map? Can i use a lifeline....???I really want to just end all these mixed feelings im having.
Everyone has an idea for me....and can tell me who i need to be with and why...but why cant i just know..KNOW what it is that I want. I don't feel like I've made a lot of decisions on my own lately. I'm always feeling like i need advice from others...if i need anything in my life right's Wisdom...i'll admit that flat out..just a little wisdom, and also a pinch of self-confidence about these decisions im making.
I need to just weigh all this out....I have two "him's " hanging in the balance....and I can't have both...I never thought i'd be in such a situation...God it hurts...
perhaps the next time i write i will have come up with something worthy of a Reset...or Restart title.
--jusqu'à ce que nous nous rencontrerons à nouveau
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